Sea Kayaking Croatia

Sea Kayaking Croatia

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Traditional Medicine

Inspired by my failing lungs and harsh sniffle I spent some time looking into traditional medicine of the Balkans. Turns out that a huge portion of the world's medicinal plants are found in the Balkan region. In the ancient times Thracians worshipped Zamolxis as one their god. Zamolxis brought health to the people through combinations of plants and herbs. His magic was done through products of the earth. This strong appreciation of medicinal plants remained throughout the many empires that called the Balkans home. In modern times, some pharmaceutical companies have taken interest in the medicinal plants that flourish in the Balkans. This creates an interesting business dynamic in the area.

(A etching of Zamolxis)

Physicians were highly respected in Greece and surrounding areas. They made an effort to treat all patients equally regardless of a patient's status. In contrast to today, physicians were often also very involved in religion. Many deities of healing operated through their priests' herb combinations. When Christianity spread into the Balkans during Constantine's rule those priests took the role of physician.

Interestingly, the Balkan region was also the first area in Europe to be farmed. The region is not particularly fertile but as the gateway between Western Europe and the Middle East its people received agricultural knowledge before those who lived in more ideal locations. The earth appears to be a particularly crucial part of the early Balkan cultures.

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