Sea Kayaking Croatia

Sea Kayaking Croatia

Sunday, June 8, 2014

25 Quick Messages

Upon considering this blog post, I have come to a cross roads. I can either a) write an academically enlightening reflection that solidifies concepts we all experienced together as American tourists abroad or b) reflect on the unique components of our trip that made it our unique ASK Balkans trip. 

I will briefly do both.

a) You were there. I was there. You learned things. I learned things. Oh, the places we'll go.

b) Now, the extra important stuff! As a group you all were so incredibly wonderful and expressive, it has left me completely baffled.  I have never met so many wonderful people in such a short time and had it mean so incredibly much to me.  And just like someone said on the last night--sorry someone for not remembering who you are--(and I'm paraphrasing) we're a pack of weirdoes no one puts together for commonalities, but for how unique we all were as individuals. So now, for everyone on the trip--and for anyone who wasn't--here is a quick break down of the 25 memories that made my trip a once in a lifetime experience.

When everything seemed crazy and stressful and downright ridiculous--for example me struggling to order pizza as if I had the burden of the entire world on my shoulders in Bosnia--you were the "it's okay, let's have a good time" guy.  Anytime things got difficult, you maintained a constant sense of fun and humor that was contagious to me and everyone around you. 

TREY (and Lara)
Watching you and Lara--in matching hats and shirts--kayak on the first day made me laugh harder than almost anything on the trip.  Hearing you comment on the experience in your humorous way was a complete joy and something I will always remember. (I would also argue that the streets of Sarajevo benefitted from our loud accented dialogue and that this contribution was deeply undervalued. I will be mentioning this to management.)

I don't have a specific memory for you on this trip because everything you did was so extraordinary and critical.  I have never been so proud of a member of my PS class for all they've accomplished and it was clear how much ORGT and this group meant to you. Thank you for all of your hard work.

You are incredibly intelligent and have a unique stance on the world unlike anyone I've known. Discussing everything from GT to all things political with you was by far the best way to spend car rides and long dinners. You really helped me grow beyond my point of view and I look forward to seeing all that summer does for you.

Anytime anything remotely unusual or dramatic happened on the trip, I would always look at your eyebrows to decide how to react. You constantly made these hilarious and charming faces that reflected how at ease you were with whatever was going to happen. Getting to know you more was a sincere pleasure and something I hope we can continue well into the rest of our PS years together!

Confession: for the entirety of our backpacking trip, I frequently would scoot my way next to you just to hear you laugh and see you smile--because it always made me feel better. If I had to decide who had the best time on the trip, I would guess it was you. Constantly laughing and making the best of even the toughest times, I really looked to you to pick me up when I was down. Thank you for being so positive.

My best memories of you all come from the incredible amount of work you put into our small group. I felt more at ease each and every time we met. (Turns out there is a lot to do in Livno!) How engaged you were with our trip and our success was really inspirational and so appreciated.

I will NEVER understand your interest in kayaking.  I am more likely to take up taxidermy in the near future than continue my career as a kayaker.  But your interest and skill with such a dreadful sport was to me very admirable.  You were a great leader and fun to hang out with.  Even in a boat.

Y'know, cupcake... joking around with you at our meetings all semester was ridiculously fun.  Knowing I had a friend on the trip before we even started was really comforting and I cannot wait to become an official, honorary, not-real, but totally legitimate, band member in the fall.

Your thoughts and contributions--and I really do mean all of them--were lovely.  Everything you said from comments on logistics to grande perceptions on our group as a whole really made me think beyond the moment and into the "so what?" Your kindness and poise was a model for me and many on the trip--leading by example doesn't even begin to describe your role.

It is rare and concerning when two people walk into a room someone says, "Oh no, I hadn't thought about this pairing." You're ridiculous. You know you're the best. That's all I'm saying. Stop begging for compliments. Seriously, Andy. Stop.

I commend you on seriously doing your homework for this trip. Watching you run around explaining everything from historical nuances to cultural traditions was educating and enjoyable. I hope you enjoy your last semester at Tech and keep running around traveling. The global community could use more Americans like you.

My friend. My roommate. My better half. My name-stealer. You were always sarcastic and funny in the most positive of ways. Listening to you chat it up with Croatians before we started sea kayaking was hilarious and your hanging out with us freshmen was so appreciated. See you in the fall!

You were the hysterical footnote to EVERYTHING that happened on this trip.  From hiking, to playing with dogs, to running around in the city--you always had some completely bizarre and heart-warming take on everything around you.  I still may not totally get your sense of humor--how you hurt your leg in September still baffles me--but I'm looking forward to finding out more.

The day at the ropes course I had NO clue who you were.  Wasn't sure if you were going on the trip? Maybe worked for ORGT?  Or you were just really friendly?  And in all honesty, it took me until Bosnia to really get to know you.  But the last night we were in Sarajevo, chatting in our small group of three and passing bread back and forth I realized how incredibly wonderful and sweet you were.  You had thought about everyone and everything on the trip more deeply than most would bother and your compassion for me meant more than I could explain.  Proud to know we're from the same place and hoping I see you back in Atlanta!

You deserve a massive round of applause for how much you contributed to this group and this trip. Meeting you our first day of planning and hearing just the surface of everything you were excited to teach and experience with us made me realize just how deeply you cared about each and every one of us getting a wonderful experience those two weeks.  And that kind of caring just cannot be appreciated enough.  Thank you so much again and again for everything you've done for me and the other 23 amazing people on this trip.

I knew I was your favorite. I promise I won't tell anyone, but I knew. Thank you for contributing your time, dry wit, and controversial opinions to our travels.  But above all else, thank you for continually looking out for my Cinnabon needs.  Few people, let alone a professor, know the importance of a good Cinnabon.

Although I will likely never get back in a kayak, one of the few things that MIGHT convince me is the opportunity to once again recount the first five Harry Potter books detail-by-detail, sing every Disney song we can think of, and awkwardly hum through a bunch of indie rock with you.  I promise to hunt you and Nick Selby--do you know him?--down in Home Park and hang out like we totally know each other.

I learned more from you than I have ever learned from any professor--even the ones I've actually had a class with.  Thank you for being so engaged and so giving of yourself throughout this entire trip.  And again thank you for going above and beyond--and letting me borrow your backpack!!!

You were the best addition to this trip anyone could have ever possibly asked for. Your interest in getting to know everyone really made a sense of community evolve early on in our travels and I firmly believe you were the ORGT glue that kept everything together. Plus, my sister thinks you're really nice. So that counts for something.

You win the award for most intellectual and engaged.  Anytime there was a discussion to be had or something to be learned, you were the one with important and horizon-expanding questions.  I looked to you for guidance on what to do with my time abroad and am much better off for it.  You really the made the most of time in such a unique part of the world and by following your lead, I had that chance too. Cannot wait to be rooming with you next year and I hope Texas is wonderful.

You're an amazing, beautiful, gifted, insightful, funny, smiley, adorable human being. You know what you did. I am lucky to have you as a friend and a teammate. Thank you for absolutely everything. I mean that most sincerely.

I counted this list like a million times and could not figure out who the 25th person was I was leaving out. So yeah, there was also me.)

I respect and admire what you do not just for a living, but with your life.  Hearing your stories got me excited not about just the Balkans, but about the world.  Knowing everything you have done and seen makes me incredibly excited for the rest of my challenges with Tech (and ORGT if I'm lucky).  Thank you for your incredible leadership and spirit.

Few people can put up with my shenanigans like you do.  Thank you for not just this trip, but all of the support, hope, and love you have given me in the past year.  As always, I'll do my best to make you proud.  Again, thank you so so much.

I hope everyone, in ASK Balkans and everywhere else, has an amazing summer.  As always... Go Jackets!

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