Sea Kayaking Croatia

Sea Kayaking Croatia

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Watercraft - Then & Now

After focusing on a relatively serious topic for last week's blog post (economics of the Balkans regions and associated statistics), I've very selfishly (as a ridiculously addicted whitewater kayaker) decided to discuss a more exciting topic, that of maritime history and a brief overview of some historical as well as modern watercraft.

Ancient Craft
  1. First record of use of boats was in 5000 BC off the coast of modern Kuwait; however, earliest boats likely closer to 45,000 BC to explain habitation patterns off of the coast of Australia.
  2. Dhow’s
    2. - “Age of Navigation” – originated in China (600BC – 600AD) – came to be common along the coast of india and in the middle east
  3. Junk’s
    1.  - originated in China during the 2nd century AD
                                                            i.      Built to move cargo, long-distance trade
                                                            ii.      Employed extensively in the Song, Yuan, and Ming Dynasties in China
                                                          iii.      Typically employed the use of several sails of various sizes.
                                                          iv.      Top heavy, prone to capsize due to weight of masts
  1. Viking Ships
    1. Used for early exploration of north america
    2. Used for trade in northern europe, especially scandinavia
  1. Caravel’s
    1. Common in the Mediterranean and NW india starting in the 13th century
    2. Use of lateen sails (triangular)
    3. Lightweight vessels
    4. High length(bow to stern) to beam width ratio
    5. Christopher Columbus came over in a fleet of these (ships with lengths 15-20 m. SO TINY!)

Modern Craft
1.      Modern Catamaran

2.      Sea Kayaks
b.      WATCH THIS! A good resource on the basics of sea kayaking:
c.       Average weight: 25-45lbs
3.      Whitewater Kayaks
a.         ß That’s Me!!!
b.      Note: we won’t be doing any of this in the Balkans. Womp. Womp…


Boat remains and maritime trade in the Persian Gulf during the sixth and fifth millennia BC, Robert Carter

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