Sea Kayaking Croatia

Sea Kayaking Croatia

Sunday, April 13, 2014


I set out to write this blog entry with great ambitions of summarizing every Balkan dessert in picture and description format, but it appears that some kind soul on Pinterest has already done a beautiful job:

I challenge anyone to click on that link and just scroll through the pictures without drooling. Words cannot describe what an integral part of my life dessert is. Culturally, it is one of the four fundamental food groups that brings my family together (the other three being pasta, steak, and wine). There have been many instances where we have designed our dinner around what we were having for dessert. My obsession with dessert extends into my career aspirations as well. It is my life goal to be a chemical engineer for a chocolate company someday.

All that being said, when it was recommended that we talk about Balkan food, OF COURSE I'm going to talk about the desserts. If you have not already, please refer to the video I created over Spring Break about one of Croatia's most prized desserts, Kremsnita. Other desserts that sound absolutely divine include the Bajadera Torte, Povitica, Borke, and Tulumbe. They certainly love their pastries! My friend from Croatia recommended a pastry shop that we will have to stop by: Vincek in Zagreb. When exploring all of the recipes and options online, I cannot help but wonder the history behind each dessert and how it played a role in the formation of former Yugoslavia's culture. It's a perfect tie into our ASK question, and I look forward to seeing (and tasting!) firsthand this important part of life in the Balkans.

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