Sea Kayaking Croatia

Sea Kayaking Croatia

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Role of the Media in the Kosovo Conflict

It is interesting to see the amount of bias that still surrounds the facts of this conflict. Even delving into the background of Yugoslavia it is presented with either a negative connotation to Serbia or a negative connotation to Albania. Even with public opinion, there were misconceptions of who the enemy really was.
Obviously, the war in the 90s arose due to political agendas; however, it was not difficult to swing public opinion between the two groups. Serbian soldiers were told that the KLA soldiers were terrorists and that all the Albanians had to be removed because it was impossible to tell who was truly the enemy. But why were they so quick to believe this claim? The KLA did not attack them first, so why did they believe Milosevic? There was an underlying racism between cultures the entire time, even dating back to the Ottoman Empire. It is human nature even as an infant to believe different is bad and this region fell subject to that innate instinct. As separate cultures developed and differences began to show through it became natural not to trust those who are different from you, who believe differently than you do. This fear of the unknown and unwillingness to trust spurs the racism and when Milosevic gave both the Albanians and the Serbians a reason to distrust one another further they latched on and war broke out.

Despite any bias that may have been around before the time of the war, the media really enhanced it. “Kosovo was different. This was the media's war almost as much as the generals”. I found this quote really interesting because it was a war between who could make who the bad guy. NATO was depicted as the enemy and it didn’t help that they were bombing Kosovo either. NATO was depicted as the hero to the US public. It was a war of lies just as much as it was a war of violence and the public was the swinging pendulum swung from the fingertips of politicians.


- Chandler Barre

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